Green flashes and green rays are optical phenomena that sometimes occur just after sunset or right before sunrise. When the conditions are right, a green spot is visible above the upper rim of the Sun’s disk. » more the green flash on Wikipedia
Yes, but they can not be ordered online. Please either come by the restaurant during normal business hours or call us at 239-472-3337
Absolutely! It gets difficult during the busy season but you should always try. You may call the restaurant at 239-472-3337 or click the RESERVATIONS link at the top of the page. For Dinner, you can almost always count on anytime before 6:15 pm and after 8:00 pm.
A banquet room with a balcony overlooking the back bay. It may be reserved by calling the restaurant at 239-472-3337.
We used it as landfill (sorry, fans!)
December 8, 1995.
Buck Key (closer and to the right) and Pine Island (farther off in the distance).
Yes, people have actually asked this. “Outside” generally refers to the ground level dockside patio.
Unfortunately, there are no specific show times, so if you missed them today, you’ll just have to come back!
A piña colada topped with melon liqueur (all together, now… “mmmmm”).
All seats have a view!
38 – unless by canoe, in which case, just paddle a beeline from anywhere.